Drawing a cross with sheep - Bible Art Journaling John 10

Drawing a Cross and Sheep – Bible Art Journaling John 10

The most iconic symbol in all of Christianity is the cross. I learned to draw one when I was tiny. It looked like this…

Simple Cross of two lines

But now I want to be able to draw a little more realistic representation of the work of Jesus to forgive my sins and reconcile me to God the Father. After checking out pages of images of crosses, and lots of attempts to draw them, here is an easy way I found to draw a pretty impressive cross.

Cross with Sheep

Drawing a Cross Step by Step:

Get yourself a sharp pencil. You are going to follow these steps, using a very light touch, so it is easy to erase the parts you will need to erase. (I do a lot of erasing!)

  1. Draw a vertical rectangle. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
  2. Now, draw a horizontal rectangle a little over two-thirds of the way up the cross. Congratulations! You have the foundation for your cross. Do a little happy dance.
  3. Next, you need to add the outline of the drape. I like the drape because it reminds me of the empty burial cloths. Jesus did not stay on the cross – He rose again!
  4. Add in some lines for wood grain and folds of cloth.
  5. A few sprigs of grass at the base of the cross finish it up! You did it!

Want to Add a Sheep?

  1. Draw a fluffy cloud.
  2. Add an upside down hook and small line
  3. Sketch in some half jelly beans for hooves.
  4. Add a pizza slice ear.

Here is the full process video for drawing and cross and sheep in John 10:

Here are the Materials I Used:


This is a super simple bible art journaling entry and doesn’t take anything expensive or complicated. A pencil, a black pen (I like Sakura Micron pens or Faber Castell Pitt pens), and a way to color it in (colored pencils, crayons, watercolors, whatever you prefer to use!). You can use your favorite things – that’s part of the fun of bible art journaling.

Bible Art Journaling John 10

Now it is your turn! You’ve been drawing a cross and sheep, comment below and let me see your picture – I’d love to see what you created!



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Drawing a Cross and Sheep – Bible Art Journaling John 10